HOMMES À LOUER – (Canada, 2008)


** film in french w. english subtitles

Men for sale – An intimate and unflinching look over 12 months at the hardscrabble lives of hustlers in downtown Montreal.

Bărbaţi de vânzare – Un film foarte personal şi lipsit de menajamente care documentează (pe parcursul a 12 luni) viaţa unui grup de bărbaţi prostituaţi gay care se „vând” în Montreal.



Les travestis pleurent aussi – (France, 2007)

Transvestites Also Cry (Travestiţii plâng şi ei)

0 miasemaquille-300x240Paris. In a small side street, seconds away from the Place the Clichy, two dirty and dingy hotels face one another. Behind their facades, the lives of marginal transsexuals from Ecuador take place. They all work as prostitutes in the Bois de Boulogne.

Among them, we meet „Mujeron”, (the „Big Woman”, in Spanish), a former boxer who chose prostitution and a solitary life in order to survive and help his family back home. We also meet the exuberant and ironic „Romina”, who seems to have made her dreams come true thanks to prostitution: a woman’s body, a housewife’s routine, a small flat and some money. Two parallel existences that are apparently poles apart but will in fact unite in one tragic ending. Both light-hearted and tragic, switching from flirtatiousness to misery, from optimism to fatalism, the story of Romina and Mia balances between joyful complicity and solitary distress.

Dans une petite impasse près de la Place de Clichy, se dressent face à face deux hôtels glauques comme tant d’autres dans ce quartier. Derrière ces façades anonymes, se cachent les vies marginales de plusieurs transsexuels d’origine équatorienne qui se prostituent au Bois de Boulogne, dont Romina et Mujeron. Entre optimisme et fatalisme, légèreté et souffrance, culpabilité et fierté, le parcours de Mujeron et Romina passe de la complicité joyeuse à la détresse solitaire.

(w/English sub)

(w/French sub)

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